maandag 10 mei 2010

Finaal verslag CHI

Hier is ons finaal verslag van het van Gebruikersinterfaces

dinsdag 4 mei 2010

Presentatie Paperboy

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Paperboy demo

The key-feature of the application PaperBoy is to present a personalized list of paper suggestions to a scientist. On regular base, through e-mail or RSS-feed, the researcher gets an overview of interesting papers. In this demo we start from an RSS-feed.

The user will scroll to this list in search of an interesting paper. Once found he clicks on the title of the paper who seems interesting. This to get more information about it. On the paperoverview page he gets more detailed information about this paper. If it seems interesting he marks it as Starred. If the user want to read the whole paper he downloads it.
The user can click through the suggestion list in search for other interesting papers.
If the user wants to get back to the overview of all the papers he clicks on My Recommendations. If he wants to find back a paper he starred or a paper he once read he can filter on 'Starred' or 'Read'. With the same thought he can filter his recommendation list on all the papers of some author or with some keyword.